Kalle Runemaster
The left eye tends to be square-shaped. The tail meets the
curl right in the middle, which is unlike Erik's other
stones. This made his work easier, which probably means that
this stone is one of Erik's later pieces.
The triskelion at the top of the stone is quite an unusual
motif. Most probably, it wasn't Erik's idea but asked for by
the commissioner of the stone.
Quite a few of the runes were simplified. Some of the R-runes
almost look like B-runes. The branches of the A-
and N-runes stand in almost a ninety degree angle
from the main staffs.
Even that was done to make work easier.
Erik managed to distribute the runes evenly
and they are almost at the same height around the
knot, which is something Erik always strived for.
The ring at the centre of the cross is unusually
asymmetrical and badly executed.
Below, you can see an article in Swedish on U 1172,
taken from the book Upplands Runskrifter.