Boat to Birka

Boat to Birka

Visit Birka without time limit.
I pick up at Lindby jetty on southern Adelsö. At the crossing, you get an overall guide and a detailed guide booklet that makes you a guide. Guide booklet takes you to Birka unexplored places and unsolved mysteries.

Explore Birka in peace and quiet.
Birka's story is both exciting and fantastic but there is more ... Birka is also a beautiful rural idyll and has a wild and untouched nature with rich plant and wildlife.

-Bring the herb book, the bird book and binoculars.

-The well-stocked picnic basket is a must!

No time limit
, you stay at Birka for as long as you wish. When you want to come back, contact me about 30 minutes in advance and I will pick you up.


Start fee SEK 300 + SEK 150 per person, round trip.
(Example: 2 people 600 SEK (300 + 150 + 150)

Guide folder included, one per group.
Life jackets are available.

Booking, ordering and contact


Phone: +46 70 776 48 22

Runestone Park

The Runestone park

The Runestone park is a photo gallery with old runestones in original size. Here you can see how the runestones looked like new, with colors.

Runestones are a Nordic art tradition where snakes, dragons and images together with the runic inscription are a work of art, a greeting in stone from one time to another, from the Viking Age to the present and the present to the future.

The runestones in the park are so detailed that they are well suited for research and comparisons. 

Each runestone has a sign with information in both English and Swedish. You can visit the park on your own at your own pace but you can also book me, Kalle Runristare as a guide.

My runestone workshop

In the park there is also my runestone workshop where I cut new runestones by hand with a sledgehammer and chisel. If I am on site, feel free to come and look and ask. If you booked me as a guide in the park, a tour of my work is included.

In Runstensparken there are also:

- Tip walk ( 1 X 2 )

- A kiosk

- Tourist information

- Guidebooks for both Birka and Hovgården

- Flea market

The park has voluntary admission, you only pay if you want.

Proposed entrance fee is SEK 50.

Larger groups must book their visit in advance.

Booking, ordering and contact
Phone: +46 70 776 48 22

The Runestone park website: >

Guide to Birka

Guide to Birka

Book me as your personal guide at Birka.

Booking me as a guide at Birka costs SEK 1,500 per hour. A guided tour can take between 1-2 hours, you decide the time.

If you have your own car, you park it in the Runestone park. Walking distance down to Lindby jetty is 900 meters.

Booking, ordering and contact
Phone: +46 70 776 48 22


Guide to Hovgarden

Guide to Hovgården

Book me as your personal guide at Hovgården.

For more than 600 years, Hovgården was an active royal estate, throughout the Viking Age and into the Middle Ages. Here are sights such as large royal mounds, royal runestone and ruins of the castle Alsnöhus etc.

A guided tour through the Viking-era Hovgården takes just over an hour.

Price: SEK 1,500. 10 participants included.
Extra participants (in addition to the 10 included) pay SEK 100 per person).

Bus group: SEK 3,000.
(max 50 participants).

Booking, ordering and contact
Phone: +46 70 776 48 22


Guide booklet

Guide booklet

My guide booklet makes yourself a guide.

Experience the World Heritage Site at your own pace and for as long as you wish.

Visitors to the Birka and Hovgården World Heritage Sites need to be well-read or have a knowledgeable guide to understand the history of the places and interpret the remains correctly.

A good alternative are my guide booklet.
One for Birka and one for Hovgården.

Everything I know, heard and seen is there, subject to space, pedagogically presented with both a map and pictures.

A tip is that you order your guide booklet in advance. Birka in particular is so large and extensive that you have to prioritize even if you stay there all day.

50 SEK each.
There is one booklet for Birka and one for Hovgården.

Booking, ordering and contact


Phone: +46 70 776 48 22

- Cash

- Swish: 0707764822

- Paypal:


External links
My other websites

Birka and Hovgården >
For those of you who intend to visit Birka and Hovgården.

Runestone Park >
For those of you who plan to visit Runstensparken.

External links
Useful information

SL upplysning (SL information)
Bus 312 from Brommaplan
The bus goes both to Hovgården (bus stop. Adelsö kyrka) and to my Runestone park (bus stop. Lindby brygga vägskäl).

Adelsö ferry 
Free car ferry. Departs at least 2 times per hour. Crossing 5 minutes.

Slagsta ferry
Payment ferry between Slagsta and Jungfrusund. Departs every 15 minutes. Crossing 13 minutes.

UNESCO World Heritage
Birka and Hovgården

UNESCO text copied:

"The Birka archaeological site is located on Björkö Island in Lake Mälar and was occupied in the 9th and 10th centuries.

Hovgården is situated on the neighbouring island of Adelsö.

Together, they make up an archaeological complex which illustrates the elaborate trading networks of Viking-Age Europe and their influence on the subsequent history of Scandinavia.

Birka was also important as the site of the first Christian congregation in Sweden, founded in 831 by St Ansgar".


Övriga webbsidor
Hem  |  Blogg/Nytt  |  Mitt Galleri  |  Guide för Birka & Hovgården
Runstensskolan |  Gamla Runstenar  |  Arkeologi  |  Mjödrecept  |  Facebook

Uppdaterad 01 maj, 2024 av Kalle Runristare, All rights reserved ©