1994 Edshult manor/säteri
Inscription 1: (front) Mottag allt, prisge allt, förnya allt. Bo reste, Kalle rista.
Receive all, abandon everything, refresh everything. Bo raised, Kalle cut. Inscription: 2: (back) Jag vet att jag hängde i vindomsusat träd, i nio nätters tid, sårad med uddstav, åt Oden given, själv åt mig själv.
I know that I hung in windy tree, nine nights' time, wounded by spears, given to Odin, myself to myself.
Front runic inscription is a mystery to me. I did my job and cut the customer's wishes.
Back is also the customer's wishes and is part of the Hávamál, verse 138, written down in the 1200s.